PHP Strict Data Types

July, 2018
How to use strict data types in PHP

The problem#

PHP doesn’t require you to explicitly specify the type. This is referred to as weak typing or loosely typed. It can make things easier for the programmer or it can make things harder to debug.

Data types#

There are three data types in PHP, depending on how you break things down.

Scalar: These are single data types like strings, Booleans, integers, and floats.

Compound: Arrays and objects.

Special types: resource, null

Type juggling#

PHP uses type juggling to automatically set the type for a variable. Below the variable type is ‘juggled’ as it’s reassigned.

$clown = 789; //type is int
$clown = 'funny'; //type is string.
$clown = false; //type is boolean

Type casting#

If you need a specific data type for an operation you can use type casting. Type casting allows you to coerce data to the type you need for an operation. Type casting is only temporary. The following types are available for type casting.

(float )
(unset )

Here is an example of type casting:

$typeCast = 123; //int

$typeCast = (string)$typecast;

Argument type declarations#

PHP 7 has the most support for argument type declarations. But it is partially supported in PHP 5. In PHP strict typing is optional for scalar types. To set a data type in PHP you use type declarations, also called type hinting.

You can easily type hint the following in PHP 5.4 and up:

  • Classes
  • Interfaces
  • array
  • callable
  • self

This is an example of type hinting.

function dataTypes(DateTime $date, callable $func) {}

Scalar type declarations

PHP 7 added support for scalar type declarations. This must be enabled on a file by file basis like this:


Note: Enabling strict mode will affect return type declarations as well. Strict typing applies to function calls made from within the file that has strict typing enabled. So a function call from another file to a function in a file with strict typing enabled will not execute with strict typing unless that original file also has strict typing enabled. Strict typing is only declared for scalar type declarations.

Exceptions: Integers may be passed to functions expecting a float.

The following scalar type declarations are supported in PHP 7.0.

  • bool
  • float
  • int
  • string

Because the function below is using strict typing it will only accept an int. Without strict typing the variable would be type cast to an int and the function would run.


$num = '15'; //This will NOT work.

//This function will only accept an integer.
function (int $num) {
  return $num;

Return type declarations

PHP 7.0 added support for return type declarations. It allows the same types as argument type declarations:

  • Classes
  • Interfaces
  • array
  • callable
  • self
  • bool
  • float
  • int
  • string

When strict mode is enabled the return types will not be type cast to the correct type, again type casting is the default behavior.

This is an example of return type declaration.


function strictTypes($var):array {
  return $var; //var must be an array

Weak mode vs strong mode

Weak mode allows type casting while strong mode strictly enforces types. It’s important to know when I strong or weak is enforced.

If you have file A (strong) and file B (weak), then any reference to return types in file A will execute in strong mode even if it’s called from file B. This is because file A is in strong mode. And return type declarations execute in the mode of the file containing them. However, argument type declarations work differently. Argument type declarations in file A called in file B will execute in weak mode since file B is in weak mode.

Containing file mode Calling file mode Effect
argument is declared in a strict mode file called from weak mode file will use type casting
argument is declared in a weak mode file called from strong mode file will enforce strict types
argument/return type is declared in a strong mode file called from strong mode file will enforce all strict
return type is declared in a strong mode file called from weak mode file will enforce strict types
return type is declared in a weak mode file called from strong mode file will use type casting
